Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 Worst States for Retirement

USA Today listed what it considers to the 10 worst States for retirement.  There are a few common traits for this list o' shame: high crime rates, high property taxes, and low life expectancy.

10. Alabama - low life expectancy, and the violent crime rate is in the top 10% for the country

9. Michigan - One word: Detroit.  Plus, the winters are brutal.

8. New York (tie) - Actually, the Empire State has a lower crime rate, but the weather and taxes make it unfriendly to the retired.

8. Maryland (tie) - high crime and high taxes.

8. Georgia (tie) - The Peach State has a good climate, but in every other category, it's subpar.

5. Nevada - Violent crime rate is 2nd in the country, and despite the glitz and glamour of Vegas, the economy has been struggling for years.

4. Illinois - high property taxes

3. Tennessee - high crime and low life expectancy

2. Louisiana - the only thing keeping Louisiana from the No. 1 spot is its weather.

1.  Alaska - weather alone could put Alaska in the top spot, but its economy is not strong and the cost of living is high

I don't know if I agree with Alabama and Georgia being on the list.  I'd be hard pressed to find a good reason to suffer through northern winters when I retire.

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